Enrich the Soul. Inspire the Mind.


Support Your Community and the Performing Arts

We rely on civic-minded and caring partners - like you and your business - who want to improve the quality of life in the community for families, friends, and clients. Your sponsorship of the Bay Philharmonic:

  • Reaches up to 5,600 guests at performances throughout the year

  • Promotes your sponsorship to over 4.5k social media followers (4 channels)

  • Elevates your brand awareness and community visibility

  • Enhances your reputation and business image

  • Connects you to all the beauty of the performing arts

  • Unites people of all backgrounds in a shared uplifting experience

You make it possible for the Bay Philharmonic to deliver imaginative, inclusive and joy-filled performances throughout the year, giving all Bay Area residents access to a wide range of music and arts performances.

Choose a sponsorship that meets your goals
Several sponsorship opportunities offer you choices for how you'd most like to make a meaningful impact - as we work together to make lives and communities better.

Click here to read about all the sponsorship levels and benefits. (Customized packages also available)

Then, join the company of other generous sponsors who support us!


Candy Culver
Director of Philanthropy and Corporate Partnerships
cculver@bayphil.org or 925.525.2513.

Your Bay Philharmonic Sponsorship not only demonstrates you care about the community, but it also benefits you in several other ways:

  • Build and strengthen business relationships

  • Bring in new customers

  • Receive free or discounted tickets for customers and employees

  • Raise your visibility throughout the year with multiple touch points including: shows, website, emails, social media

Production Sponsor:

Supporting Sponsors:

Media sponsor: